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Program name: International Business Law
University name: University of Georgia
Faculty: School of Law
Program supervisor: Timothy Berrett
University address: 77a, M. Kostava Str. Tbilisi 0171, Georgia
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International Business Law Program Overview
The main goal of the program is to provide competitive and highly qualified legal professionals, equipped with deep theoretical knowledge and practical legal skills based on the requirements of international and local labor markets. Graduates will be able to conduct legal research independently, think creatively, and will have a deep and systematic knowledge of international business law principles and theories. The program will consist of both Georgian students and international students. The program will be entirely in the English language (all lectures and all course materials will be in English). Graduates of the program will have an advanced level of legal English. Upon the completion of the program, graduates can be employed in law positions related to international business law, where the law requires a master’s degree and state certification exam is not necessary. Graduates will have the proper research skills and ability to continue their studies at the doctoral level.
Methods for Attaining Learning Outcomes:
- Interactive Lectures
- Discussions
- Debates
- Critical analysis
- News Analysis
- Teamwork
- Imitative Performance
- Problem identification and solving
- Case study
- Essay writing
- Presentations
Learning Outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding
Program graduate:
- Describes legal drafting techniques;
- Explains how to conduct the research and writing required to write a case brief;
- Describes the actual problems of the juridical science, modern methods of scientific research, standards and principles for developing professional scientific papers, as well as the understanding of rules of academic integrity and academic ethics;
- Describes development tendencies of international business law, modern legislation, its challenges and shortfalls and the main ways for their improvement and resolution, as well as the problems of interconnection and interrelation between national and international law;
- Describes court practice in the field of business law which allows students to describe main methodological principles for solving problems in practice
- Describes the main challenges that lawyers face in practice, in the process of legal assurance of international business transactions;
- Describes the structure and principles of corporate form and corporate governance;
- Possesses advanced and systematic understanding of Comparative Contract Law which allows for the identification of legal risks associated with international business;
- Describes basic international instruments regulating transactional commerce, which allows for the generation of solutions to certain problems;
- Explains the essence of comparative law and the purpose of employing comparative method;
- Describes the ethical standards of judges, including the issues of communication with public and the peculiarities of the disciplinary proceedings.
Program graduate:
- Assesses the factual circumstances of a legal situation, identifies complex legal problems or legislative lacunas in the field of business law, develops new, original ways for their solution and determines the positive and negative consequences associated with the decision;
- Identifies the areas of primary legal risk associated with the ownership and operation of international business and develops corresponding measures to ensure their eradication or mitigation taking into consideration the interests of the clients;
- Creates, edits and interprets a variety of legal instruments, including: pleadings, case briefs/summaries, contracts, opinions, client letters, memoranda, business e-mails;
- Identifies, synthesizes and analyzes information of legal significance including existing laws or prospective legal novelties, judicial practice, dogmatic views and recent scholarly opinions and delivers corresponding conclusions;
- Conducts complex evaluations of legal issues regarding the duties of managers and shareholders, the nature and the essence of those duties, the properness of any particular conduct of any manager during everyday management of the corporation and anticipates the results of such conduct;
- Conducts complex evaluations of the contracts, arrangements incidental to an international sale of goods, and the complex legal issues/obligations that may arise from such contracts;
- Determines how to prevent violation of fiduciary duties and what forms of liability to use in case of violation of their fiduciary duties and good governance standard by corporate managers;
- Identifies and analyses potential legal problems related to Comparative Contract Law issues and make appropriate conclusions;
- Interprets and applies legal norms on a professional level taking into the consideration the comparative interconnection of internal and international legal norms;
- Makes judgments on the basis of critical analysis of the client’s needs, makes conclusions and provides appropriate legal advice taking into account variety of factors;
- Uses the most recent methods and approaches to develop coherent and persuasive arguments;
Identifies actual scientific problems in the field of business law; defines the scientific ways for their resolution; plan scientific-research process on actual issues of law; ensures gathering primary data from different sources including foreign informational resources using the newest methods and approaches; systemizes complex and incomplete information and develops scientific research project/paper in compliance with the standard of academic ethics; - Delivers appropriate advice, regarding legal conclusions or arguments, to corporate managers;
- Determines the appropriate form and content to communicate legal ideas in a variety of contexts;
- Communicates in English own judgements and legal arguments to the academic and professional society, in oral or written form;
- Maintains effective oral communication in a legal and business context;
- The ability to deliver/communicate written legal information and arguments using a variety of legal instruments;
- Effectively delivers oral legal arguments to a court/tribunal;
- Delivers an academic paper prepared on the basis of newest, up-to date resources, in compliance with the standards of professional academic writing, and through critical analysis and processing of data.
Responsibility and autonomy
Program graduate:
- Independently manages the learning process in a coherent manner, determines theoretical components and expands knowledge by learning new developments in the law, including court decisions, scholarly articles, and primary sources;
- Defines and plans further studies independently, takes responsibility for the activities and professional development of one’s own and others, creates conditions for the achievement of common group decisions;
- Takes instructions for managing complex, unpredictable and multi-disciplinary material and environment. Inter alia, plans and manages working hours, develops strategic approach for research or preparing a paper;
- Participates in developing the professional knowledge and legal practice, employs strategic approaches and/or innovative ways for problem-solving, help colleagues and share experience with them.
- Respect the ethical standards of judiciary, value aspects (impartiality, integrity, equality, competence and diligence) and in case of necessity participates in the development of those values in order to ensure an equitable balance between the parties;
- Recognizes and respects the rules of academic integrity, ethical results of scientific research;
- Respects the democratic values, recognizes the necessity of balance between independence and responsibility in democracy.
Program Details:
The program consists of four core courses, three semesters of Legal Research & Writing, a law clinic requirement, and a one-semester Thesis component; there are 78 credits of required courses. The remaining credits are selected from a list of elective courses. The program requires a total of 120 ECTS; most courses are 6 ECTS, some are 3 ECTS.
International Business Law | Master of Business Law | 120 ECTS | 2 years, 4 semesters | English | $4 500 USD |
Register Now!!! and Begin Your Journey Towards Mastering International Business Law!
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The documents required to obtain admission:
- Copy of the passport;
- School certificate (Equivalent to A level for Undergraduate Applicants / BA degree Diploma (for MA degree applicants) along with transcript;
- Application fee payment receipt.
- Video Interview (Ask us for details of this interview)
- The student’s E-mail address and contact details