Study Business Administration at Georgian American University

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Program name: Business Administration

University name: Georgian American University

Faculty: Business Administration

Program supervisor: Professor Dina Aslamazishvili


University address: 10 Merab Aleksidze Str., 0160, Tbilisi, Georgia   

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Business Administration Program Overview

GAU Business Administration Program is created based on the best practice and business environment. The program and teaching methods are dynamic and fully meet general development trends and technological progress. The close link between GAU Business School and USA-leading universities shows that the GAU BBA program is in full compliance with the appropriate programs in American universities.

The program will help the graduates to become competitive and development-oriented.

The objectives of the Business Administration Bachelor Program correspond with GAU’s mission. The BBA program aims to:

  • Develop/raise qualified specialists with high academic and ethical standards who are able to work efficiently in the area of business using the most up to date methods;
  • Create the best conditions to make sure that students maximally demonstrate their talents and capabilities and make their contributions to the development of the field of business;
  • Enable the students to perfect their international communication language skills, required for operating in the area of business, through the active teaching of professional English.

The main task of the Business School is to regularly work towards students’ employment, as well as providing undergraduates with a flexible academic calendar, which will give them an opportunity to combine work and studies.

Students can choose from the four specialties listed below:

  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Finance
  • Quants* / Quantitative Finance

Quant is an abbreviation of the phrase – Quantitative Analyst.
Quants Program includes three components: Mathematics, Programming, and Finance.
Quant – is a specialist, who works in financial markets and creates mathematical models in order to help: 1. Financial market traders; 2. Risk managers at banks and other medium and large corporate institutions.*

Program Volume

The business administration program consists of 240 credits (ETC).
Depending on the student’s individual workload, the number of credits per year may be less than 60 credits
or more, but should not exceed 75 credits.
Business administration bachelor’s program consists of the three components: academic, practical, and
free. The academic component of the business administration program is divided into two parts: core (mandatory)
and elective courses. The volume of the core/mandatory part is 198 ETC.
A bachelor should accumulate 24 credits from the offered elective courses. In addition, the student should
choose 18 credits from the free component’s elective courses. Free credits can be earned by a student
from any offered elective courses from the educational program of School of Business or any other
the academic program of the equal level of the Georgian-American University; from the equal level academic
the educational program of any other accredited higher educational institution of Georgia or from the equal
a level academic educational program of foreign higher educational institution, if these credits can be
acknowledged based on Georgian legislation.
Practical component (optional) – 12 credits:
12 credits out of the 24 elective credits can be applied by the student for internship. A student will proceed
with his/her internship in the institutions, with which the University and School of Administration have
concluded a Memorandum of Cooperation.

The Purpose of the Program

The goal of the business administration bachelor’s program is to equip the students with extensive knowledge
in business administration, which gives them the capability to analyze business administration problems,
make decisions and suggest solutions for efficient business functioning and development.
Business administration bachelor’s program objective corresponds to the mission and vision of Georgian
American University as follows:

• Educate the qualified specialists with high academic and ethical standards, which can efficiently work
in the business administration field and can introduce contemporary advanced methods.
• Create all necessary conditions to help students fully reveal their talent, maximize their abilities, and
based on received knowledge give them an opportunity to contribute to business development.

Field of Employment

Mastering a full bachelor’s degree allows a bachelor student to successfully work in any of the following
positions of commercial or non-commercial organization: low- and middle-level manager, accountant,
marketer, sales manager, managers of finance departments in companies and etc.

Learning Outcomes/Competencies (General and Sectoral)

After successful completion of the undergraduate program, the student can:
• As a result of broad knowledge of basics of Business Administration and critical awareness of
theories and principles, define major concepts and some most recent aspects of marketing,
management, and finance, describe current issues of the field and identify a relevant methodology
for solving these issues.
• Analyze complex and unforeseen problems of business and pursue ways to solve these problems.
• Implement Business Administration research and practical projects with the support of the lecturer’s
• Organize data, associated with business problems and analyze problems by means of several
mathematical, statistical, and business modeling most recent methods and interpret received
• Illustrate ideas, related to Business Administration and their solving ways to the academic,
professional community, by means of protecting ethical norms and usage of technologies
In a complex and unpredictable business environment, in accordance with a bachelor’s degree of
independence, plan activities, oriented for business problems solution and illustrate
implementation ways by using the business ethics principles.
• Plan and implement facilitation of own and other persons’ lifelong professional development and
further needs of education.

Business AdministrationBachelor of Business Administration240 ECTS4 years, 8 semestersEnglish1st year
$3 800 USD
2nd, 3rd, 4th $3 500 USD

Register Now!!! and Begin Your Journey Towards Mastering Business Administration!

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The documents required to obtain admission:

  • Copy of the passport;
  • School certificate (Equivalent to A level for Undergraduate Applicants / BA degree Diploma (for MA degree applicants) along with transcript;
  • Application fee payment receipt.
  • Video Interview (Ask us for details of this interview)
  • The student’s E-mail address and contact details

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