Registration of companies and legal entities in Georgia

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Orient Cities LLC provides service of registration of companies and legal entities in Georgia

We assist you in establishing and / or liquidating any type of enterprise / representation in Georgia !

Establishment of enterprise in any country is related to certain legal issues, documents, procedures and timeframes, so it is very important to get qualified legal services from the very beginning and make the necessary documentation correctly. We offer full legal services to establish any company in Georgia, as well as to establish representation / branch of foreign enterprise or to create a virtual company.

Our service includes all the necessary steps to register a company: preparation of documents, registration, translation, notarial certification, assistance with certification of documents or legalization, the company registration in the entrepreneurial register, the company’s tax registration, opening a bank account, assigning the legal address of the company, full accounting and tax service after the company’s registration.

We will assist you in establishing, reorganizing and liquidating any of the following subjects :

 Registration of Limited liability company

  Live chat, e-mail, and 1-on-1 support so you can start your company with confidence. Get help with formation, bank accounts, annual reports, domains, and more. Experts in LLCs.

Registration of Joint Stock Company

A joint-stock company is a business owned by its investors, with each investor owning a share based on the amount of stock purchased. Joint-stock companies are created in order to finance endeavors that are too expensive for an individual or even a government to fund.

Registration of  Cooperative

 (also known as co-operative, co-op, or coop) A cooperative is “an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly-owned enterprise”. Cooperatives are democratically owned by their members, with each member having one vote in electing the board of directors. Cooperatives may include:

 Registration of  Limited Partnership

 A limited partnership (LP) exists when two or more partners go into business together, but the limited partners are only liable up to the amount of their investment. An LP is defined as having limited partners and a general partner, which has unlimited liability.

Registration of  General Partnership

A general partnership is a business arrangement by which two or more individuals agree to share in all assets, profits, and financial and legal liabilities of a jointly-owned business. In a general partnership, partners agree to unlimited liability, meaning liabilities are not capped and can be paid through the seizure of an owner’s assets. Furthermore, any partner may be sued for the business’s debts.

Registration Branch of foreign enterprise

The term foreign branch refers to the business operations of a US company in a foreign country. If a US company conducts business through a foreign legal entity that’s disregarded for US tax purposes, that foreign disregarded entity is also considered a foreign branch.

Representation of foreign enterprise

Foreign company representation is the most appropriate solution for the companies that want to grow internationally, for example, by recruiting a local sales representative who would develop a new market, or by using an administrative assistant to handle relations with customers or suppliers.

Registration of Individual entrepreneur

It is the enterprise that belongs to one person, who is considered the decision-maker in everything related to this enterprise from a legal point of view. The enterprise does not have an independent existence from its owner, and its profits are considered income for its owner. He also bears the payment of his contracting debts, and in case of non-payment, his personal property is seized.

Registration of Non-commercial legal entity

A non-commercial organization shall be a voluntary, self-sustained organization created by individuals and (or) legal entities on the basis of community of interests for implementing spiritual and other non-material needs in the interests of its members and (or) the whole society, where the deriving a profit is not a major objective, and the obtained profit is not distributed among members, founders and official persons.

Registration of Virtual company / office

Virtual companies are a practical alternative for entrepreneurs, consultants, and part-time workers who want to set up a business with minimal upfront investment and risk. A virtual operation gives you more freedom to work when and where you want.

The list of documents required to establish the company depends on the type of company and the organizational-legal form of the company’s founders. After properly preparing the documents, we need only one or two days to register the company.

Why should you choose us to establish a company in Georgia?!

To save your expenses and make it easier to start your business

You will get the necessary legal address for the company registration free of charge.

Free tax registration.

Free first consultation with regard to tax system and tax reporting in Georgia.

After the establishment of the company, you will be given free of charge the most applicable contract drafts in Georgian-Russian or Georgian-English languages necessary for company activities.

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