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Program name: MA. in Business Administration
University name: Ilia State university
Faculty: School of Business, Technology and Education
University address: Cholokashvili Ave 3/5, Tbilisi 0162, Georgia
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Business Administration MA. Program Overview
Why to choose the Master of Business Administration at Ilia State University?
- Ilia State University School of Business is No 1 study destination of Georgian freshmen since 2015
- Internship possibilities in various public entities and private enterprises
- Students become experts in the strategic management of a company
- Ilia State University offers modern facilities, an excellent library, and vibrant student life
- Our students have an opportunity to spend exchange semesters in more than 30 European universities within Erasmus + program.
The aim of the Master’s Program in Business Administration is to prepare professional who can operate within the rapidly changing international business environment; is competitive on local as well as global market. Having acquired profound and comprehensive theoretical, empirical and practical knowledge in management, a graduate will be able to act as a reliable, independent expert in the process of devising the strategy of a company/organization, its evaluation, and development; identify problems using decision-making instruments and to solve them effectively; become an effective member of a team of an organization/company; to get effectively involved/cooperate in a multidisciplinary environment based on the strategy of a company/organization; participate in professional and academic debates and advocate for a strategy/ decisions of a company.
Aims of the Program
The aim of the program is to prepare highly qualified professionals with up-to-date knowledge and skills in business
administration who can operate effectively and efficiently in a rapidly changing business environment. Graduates will
be equipped with in-depth theoretical/practical knowledge, cutting-edge modern techniques, and effective
management skills.
A program graduate will be able to:
- act as a reliable, independent expert in administrative processes related to designing, evaluating, and developing a strategy for a business company/organization;
- apply appropriate research methods to identify problems in the field of business administration, offer innovative ways for their effective solution by applying efficient principles of informed decision-making;
- perform as an effective team player in the process of tackling complex problems occurring in a multidisciplinary business environment.
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Understanding
A graduate has profound and systematic knowledge of:
• Modern theories, concepts, aspects, standards, frameworks and contemporary views of effective management,
consumer behavior and marketing management, financial accounting and reporting, managerial finance, operation
and strategic management;
• Modern managerial tools and instruments;
• Economic theories used in managerial economics;
• Research methods employed to identify complex problems in the field of business administration;
• Specific national and international factors affecting global consumer markets and business environment;
• Consumer behavior decision-making process and marketing practices.
Knowledge Application
A graduate is able to:
• Design and evaluate an effective strategy for a competitive business company/organization based on modern
principles of strategic management that take into account specific aspects of national and/or international business
• Develop efficient business plans and programs and outline risk management processes;
• Deliver complex analysis of financial environment;
Identify ways to effectively optimize organizational resources;
• Employ modern research methods to independently identify problems in the field of business administration and
specify innovative ways for their effective solution;
• Apply cutting-edge instruments and tools for effective decision-making, including simulation, modeling and
forecasting techniques;
Making Judgment
A program graduate:
• Can analyze complex data, both qualitative and quantitative to make well-informed managerial decisions;
• Can make an expert assessment of business administration processes and deliver corresponding conclusions and
• Has skills of logical thinking, assessment, critical analysis, and synthesis;
Communication skills
A graduate is able to:
• Uses various channels to communicate effectively with the professional and academic audience;
• Uses communication strategies to perform effectively as a business administrator;
• Communicates coherently in written form, with clear use of language, professional referencing, and use of tables,
diagrams and graphics where appropriate;
• Uses a range of IT resources to communicate effectively.
Learning skills
A graduate is able to:
• Efficiently manage time, meet deadlines, plan and independently execute a significant master project using a range
of materials, tools, and relevant methodological approaches;
• Demonstrate autonomous learning capacity to find effective solutions to problems in the area of business
• Identify learning needs for further professional development and manage the process independently.
The graduate:
• Is able to meet ethical standards, including the standards for fair business;
• Promotes professional values based on undertaken business projects.
Structure of the Master’s Programme
All students admitted to the master’s program are required to accumulate 120 ECTS to be awarded their Master’s Degree
in Business Administration. To this end, students are expected to:
- successfully complete all core courses (60 ECTS);
- accumulate 36 ECTS from the pool of elective courses;
- complete a master thesis (24 ECTS) in the final semester.
Students admitted to the master program in Business Administration will be offered an exchange opportunity with
Fachhochschule Burgenland (Austria) and become eligible for the Degree of Master of Arts in International Business in
addition to their Master of Business Administration from Ilia State University. A student choosing an exchange track
with Fachhochschule Burgenland (Austria) is obliged to have Bachelor’s degree relevant to the content of the Master’s
degree, including:
- Management/Business Administration/Economics(min. 14 ECTS)
- Legal Studies (min.6 ECTS)
- English (min. 8 ECTS) or official international language certificate level C1.
Business Administration | Master of Business Administration | 120 ECTS | 2 years, 4 semesters | English | $ 3 500 USD |
Additional Resources
Register Now!!! and Begin Your Journey Towards Mastering Business Administration!
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The documents required to obtain admission:
- Copy of the passport;
- School certificate (Equivalent to A level for Undergraduate Applicants / BA degree Diploma (for MA degree applicants) along with transcript;
- Application fee payment receipt.
- Video Interview (Ask us for details of this interview)
- The student’s E-mail address and contact details